Open a book in Booke app, select “microphone” from the menu at the bottom of the page, and tell the phone:
- GO TO PAGE [page number]
- SEARCH FOR [searched phrase]
- BOOKMARK ON PAGE [page number] FROM [initial phrase - up to 2 words] TO [end phrase - up to 2 words]
- BOOKMARK FROM [initial phrase - up to 2 words] TO [end phrase - up to 2 words]
- BOOKMARK ON PAGE [page number
GO TO PAGE [page number]
You have your print book opened on page 123. Would you like to check, if somebody added a bookmark on this page? Open this book in Booke app, select "microphone" icon from the menu at the bottom of the page, and tell the app: GO TO PAGE ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-THREE or alternatively: GO TO PAGE ONE TWO THREE.
SEARCH FOR [searched phrase]
Would you like to find the page number in your print book, where the words: "holy" and "grail" occurs? Open the book in Booke app, select "microphone" icon from the menu at the bottom of the page, and tell the app: SEARCH FOR HOLY GRAIL (SEARCH "HOLY GRAIL" is enough too).
BOOKMARK ON PAGE [page number] FROM [initial phrase] TO [end phrase]
In your print book, you've come across a moving intriguing passage? Save it or add a note, a picture or a link to it. Open this book in Booke app, select "microphone" from the menu at the bottom of the page and tell the app: BOOKMARK ON PAGE NINETEEN FROM "WHITE CLOAK" TO "PONTIUS PILATE".
BOOKMARK FROM [initial phrase] TO [end phrase]
In your print book, you've come across a moving intriguing passage? Save it or add a note, a picture or a link to it. Open this book in Booke app, go to the desired page and select "microphone" from the menu at the bottom of the page and tell the phone: BOOKMARK FROM "WHITE CLOAK" TO "PONTIUS PILATE".
BOOKMARK ON PAGE [page number]
In your print book, you've come across a moving intriguing passage? Save it or add a note, a picture or a link to it. Open this book in Booke app, select "microphone" from the menu at the bottom of the page and tell the phone: BOOKMARK ON PAGE ELEVEN and then select with your finger the pertinent passage that you wish to add the bookmark to, on this page.